Sales Training Programs
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Sales Training Programs
What is that secret ingredient that gives your business that point of difference over your competitors and makes you their preferred choice every time?
SUCCESS TRAIN has in its suite of programs, behaviour skills training aimed at improving customer-supplier relationships.
The suite includes such skills as:
- objection handling
- profiling customers
- presenting a fail proof solution to attract and retain customers
- question asking techniques
- customer service and suggestive selling techniques
- transforming mangers to coaching
- train the manager to grow their own business
All of which will distinguishes your business from the sea of competitors.
In a highly competitive world of sales, that point of difference isn't always, " How much money can I pay upfront to secure this business?", or " What corporate alliances do I have to entice this customer to purchasing?"……it has to be different!!!!
Sales training programs don't work because...
- Inappropriate or lack of understanding of the training needs
- Blanket approach, off the shelf programs not suitable to specific business needs
- Irrelevant material or content
- Neither the business culture nor the provider supports the training once the program has ended
- Insufficient time or opportunity to practise new skill
Training that neglects to include behaviour change elements are unlikely to succeed.
Off-the-shelf or poorly designed programs that have not taken into consideration the specific business requirements or the attendees' needs will not attract the commitment for skills improvement. Insufficient time or practice opportunities and inadequate coaching will fail to deliver the culture changes required.
Without the support network enabling all the areas identified to come to fruition, up to 80 per cent of skills gained can be lost within three months.
SUCCESS TRAIN sales training programs work because we...
- work with the client to customise training based on the needs analysis and company focus
- create a balance of practical activity and self assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of the operation
- encourage a change in attitudes and behaviours to become the catalyst to positive results
- implement a change in culture with the application of new learning.
- provide a support network to enable profitable ROI (return on investment)
Learning a new behaviour or habit takes more than attending a training session.
Becoming an expert in a new field won't happen by attending training alone. Attempting a new language, learning a musical instrument or how to play tennis or golf, wont be mastered unless the new skills are PRACTISED.
The SUCCESS TRAIN training programs will ensure that the sales training delivers the desired results by addressing the training needs, coupled with manager training and in field coaching.

10% Education 20% Exposure 70% Experience
The training session represents:
- 10% of the participant's development;
- 20% of the learning is seeking out subject matter experts, reading and referring to reference materials;
- 70% is about utilising the new skills, experimenting and practicing.
By applying all of these principles, the newly acquired sales skills will result in
- profitable results;
- increased revenue;
- better margins; and
- stronger customer relationships.
The training session represents 10% of the learning, to ensure there is quantifiable ROI, an emphasis on training the sales managers how to coach their sales team with the newly acquired sales skills will enable the 70% experience to manifest.
Programs can be tailored to fit your business and could include:
Copyright © 2006-2016 SUCCESS TRAIN • Email: sales.skills@successtrain.com.au